Ordinances - Table of Content
1.01 Village Powers
1.02 Multi Jur. Comp Plan
1.03 Partial Code of Ordininances
1.04 Partial Code of Ordininances
1.05 Establishing a Plan Commission
1.06 Comprehensive Plan
1.07 Extend Office Terms
1.08 Appointed Clerk
1.09 Testimony At BOR
1.10 Setting Fees for Records
1.11 Alternate for BOR
1.12 Confidentiality at BOR
1.13 Local Road Funding
1.14 Records Access
1.15 Alt. Claims Procedure
1.16 Transportation Funding
2.01 Obsolete Records
3.01 Culvert and Driveway
4.01 Class B Highways
4.02 Lower Speed Limit
4.03 Regulatory Sign Replace
4.04 No Thru Trucks
4.05 ATV Ordinance
5.01 Building Permit Fee Schedule
5.02 Building Permit Ordinance
6.01 Recycling Cart Grant
6.02 Reimbursement for Carts
9.01 Licensing of Dogs
11.01 Fire Call Charges
11.02 Substance release
13.01 Broadband Forward Ordinance
14.01 Out. Co. Haz. Mitigation
14.02 Emergency Manager
14.03 Out. Co. Haz. Mitigation Plan